This past week I had the privilege to attend the Catalyst Leadership Conference in Atlanta. It was amazing. I’ll admit, I was wiped out after just the first day, but it was all incredible. The Lord revealed so many things to me during this conference, things that were not even spoken on. Not even close to being spoken on. HE really is wonderful.

The “things” that were revealed, I am not yet ready to share. They were personal convictions. Things I am going to be hashing out and praying over for possibly years to come. Please pray for me. Pray that I will actually face these issues. Already I have lost the motivation to deal with these issues. I have been hiding from them for years, it is so easy to do now. Please pray for strength. The upcoming times will be difficult for me. Really difficult. I don’t even know which step to take next. I know that I am not really telling you anything, sorry.

Some other great things happened to. probably my favorite was seeing Mac Powell from Third Day sing with the African Children’s Choir. I loved that 🙂


Now back to balancing my check book…